Happy New Year!

Good Evening,
It’s been a little while since I updated you all on my blog and today 1st January 2021, seem like a fitting time to do so.
Well, we made it out of 2020! Like me, I hope you’re glad to see the back of 2020. Although, for me business wise this has been a good year for me.
Since re-opening in July I have been crazy busy with customer commission work. I have met some lovely new customers and thank you all for your support.
Sadly, this year I didn’t get many workshops in due to Covid restrictions but the ones I did have were fun and very rewarding. I’m hoping to get some new 2021 workshop dates released when safe to do so.
I’m also arranging some new small craft workshops for 2021. Once of which will be lampshade making. And….. whilst I’m on the subject of new things I also pleased to tell you all that I’m moving to a new Studio in Boston Spa, Wetherby in February 2021. I’m pleased to say this is a GROUND FLOOR UNIT……hooray! As much as I love my studio in Wetherby the stairs have tested my patience and being on the 1st floor is hard.
If you haven’t been to Boston Spa, its still Wetherby only 10 mins away from Wetherby Town. A busy riverside village with lots going on. I’m very excited about moving to my new studio, although not much bigger its newly refurbished, I have my own toilet (you will understand if have seen my current loo), hot water, heating and no stairs to fight with!!
I have lots to plan and pull together and I will keep you all posted on the developments.
I wish you all a healthy and prosperous 2021 and thank you again for supporting me and my little business.
Michelle xx