Update & My New Branded Brushes

Its been a long time…..

Hello, I have been off the radar for a while as I have been been busy busy and just dont know where these time has went.

Firstly, Happy New Year!

So, for those of you who don’t know I moved my studio from Boston Spa to Scarthingwell. Scarthingwell is in Towton, Tadcaster. A whole new area and County for me.

The studio is now a showroom and workshop based on the courtyard grounds of Tadcaster Golf Club, within an old barn. Which, is beautiful but gets really cold in the winter and is like a hot tin can in the summer 😉

I also joined forces with Nicola from My Tatty Love and we operate under the name of the Furniture Collective.

Our main work is still commission work and we run creative workshops, update kitchen units and sell vintage furniture- painted and unpainted. We still stock Fusion and Cornish Mineral Paint, which can be ordered direct from me or Nicola or bought instore-

Fusion Chic Little Haven
Cornish My Tatty Love

Its finally arrived…..

The last six months have been filled with something exciting, scary and stressful, but a dream of mine. This was to have my very own branded paint brushes. If you know me you will know how particular I am about my brushes and have a kind of obsession about them 🙂 So, I did just that, I created my own set of Artist Paint Brushes. The brushes we always use,  if your a furniture painter you will know this (or you may not) it probably depends on what paint you use, but most of us in the furniture painting industry we don’t use big uncontrolable, heavy rough brushes. We use artist brushes with soft nylon bristles for a brush stroke free finish! Yes we still use a roller for the larger areas but we use artist brushes for the cutting in, smaller areas, geometric designs, and they are perfect for painting chairs and table legs.
My brush brand is clh uk. (trade mark pending). And here they are-

They are here now in the UK, looking fab and I just up-loaded them to my website so they are officially now available. Be one of the first to get your hands on them and let me know what your think!

I’m offering a special introductory discount for one month with £2 off the RRP of £6 with-

coupon code – givemethemnewbrushes

All details are of the website – check them out at clk uk. artist brushes

Hope you like them as much as I do!

Well, its now very late and need to get some sleep.

Best wishes, Michelle

Happy New Year!

Good Evening,

It’s been a little while since I updated you all on my blog and today 1st January 2021, seem like a fitting time to do so.

Well, we made it out of 2020!  Like me, I hope you’re glad to see the back of 2020. Although, for me business wise this has been a good year for me.

Since re-opening in July I have been crazy busy with customer commission work. I have met some lovely new customers and thank you all for your support.

Sadly, this year I didn’t get many workshops in due to Covid restrictions but the ones I did have were fun and very rewarding. I’m hoping to get some new 2021 workshop dates released when safe to do so.

I’m also arranging some new small craft workshops for 2021. Once of which will be lampshade making.  And….. whilst I’m on the subject of new things I also pleased to tell you all that I’m moving to a new Studio in Boston Spa, Wetherby in February 2021.   I’m pleased to say this is a GROUND FLOOR UNIT……hooray! As much as I love my studio in Wetherby the stairs have tested my patience and being on the 1st floor is hard.

If you haven’t been to Boston Spa, its still Wetherby only 10 mins away from Wetherby Town.  A busy riverside village with lots going on.  I’m very excited about moving to my new studio, although not much bigger its newly refurbished, I have my own toilet (you will understand if have seen my current loo), hot water, heating and no stairs to fight with!!

I have lots to plan and pull together and I will keep you all posted on the developments.

I wish you all a healthy and prosperous 2021 and thank you again for supporting me and my little business.

Michelle xx

Going Forward After Lockdown

Hey, It’s been a long time since I did my last blog which was way before lock down.

So where to start….

I opened my new Studio/Shop as planned on the 29th February 2020, which was wonderful to have my own space and welcome new customers. but it wasn’t long before I had to close due to Covid19. I was also furloughed from my part time employment.

Lockdown web orders for Fusion have kept my business going and I thank you all for buying from me. It has made such an impact on a small independent business. Fusion was and still is, in very high demand. More than we can physically get from the fantastic makers in Canada. As you can imagine there were all sorts of shipping issues, factory closures, ingredients sourcing problems, staff shortages, the list goes on!  Our UK supplier managed to keep a small supply coming to the UK via air shipments to feed us stockists to feed all you Fusion fans.  Shipments are still slow but hopefully, they will be back to a steady pace soon.

Due to the demand for paint and shortages on Fusion, this made me realise that I put all my eggs in one basket. I built my business on Fusion and what would happen if Fusion disappeared? So, with this in mind, I took on my old favourite paint Autentico. I have used Autentico since I started upcycling in 2011, so I knew the paint was a great product. I also wanted to support a UK paint brand and chose to stock Cornish Milk Mineral Paint.  This brand is very new and only launched in January 2020, right in time for Covid.  I love the brand ethos behind this paint and I’m excited to have it onboard. You can read more about the 3 paint brands I support in the main menu to the left.


Going forward

I re-opened my studio in July.  I am extremely busy with customer commission work and fully booked until October!  Sadly, my part time employment has been made redundant, but this sets me off on my personal path to make my business work. This, I’m sure, is going to be very hard work but exciting too.

I have now re-organised my workshops and have added new dates for September and October. So, if you want to learn to upcycle and learn my tips and techniques, this workshop is for you. Booking is available via the top menu or by clicking here!

I have also chosen to stock some more brands, brands that I personally work with and love. These are Two Fussy Bloke Rollers, Prima Redesign Transfers, WoodUbend Moulding & Posh Chalk Artisan Range. All the brands I stock I use on my personal design work, commission work and will available to use during my workshops.

It’s still early days for my little Studio/Shop in Wetherby, as I didn’t get off to a good start initially with Covid but, I’m hoping more people will get to know where I am and what I do. If you in Wetherby, pop in and see me!

Finally, thank you to all my customers, without you I wouldn’t be where I am now. I’ll update you all soon with more developments. Keep watching my social media posts too.

Michelle x


Hi Everyone, welcome to my website and my first blog.   Just thought I would give you a quick update as there have been several things going on for the last few months which has lead to changes and an exciting new venture for Chic Little Haven!   For the last month, I have been working hard planning for a new venture and working on my website. Having now moved out of 27 West Park Interiors to enable me to focus on planning and getting ready to open my own NEW SHOP/STUDIO IN WETHERBY. This won’t be officially open until the end of February 2020, please watch out for more updates via my blog and social media.   I will now be selling the Fabulous Fusion Mineral Paint products via this website and of course from my new studio with various other products including WoodUbend Mouldings. More news on WoodUbends soon! Fusion items will be added daily to my online shop, this is a long process so please bear with me! New Online Customers can get 10% discount on their first order with coupon code – 4dxdx4qn.   This offer will be running for several months. On our online shop also sells many other paint supplies so take a look! I will also offer workshops, teaching others how to upcycle. There is a few workshops listed under the workshops menu, so pop over and have a nosy! More news will follow soon though on how to book, dates etc!   I’m still offering customer commission work, you can contact me for a quote at any time, I will continue selling redesigned furniture but this will now be limited to smaller items.   We are looking to sell home accessories and gifts, all will be revealed in due course. I hope you enjoy the website and reading my ‘Welcome’ first blog..   Michelle x

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      Venue & Parking

      The workshop will take place at The Furniture Collective, Scarthingwell Courtyard, Scarthingwell Lane, Towton, Tadcaster, LS24 9PF  There is free parking on site.

      furniture collective tadcaster

      Booking T&C’s

      Booking is essential for this workshop and must be booked in pairs and paid in full before attending.
      You can book via this website or in person in store before the event.
      Bookings cannot be refunded but can be exchanged to another workshop date. Please let me know as soon as possible if you have a problem and I will do my best to transfer you another date.

      Chic Little Haven reserves the right to re-schedule a workshop if numbers are too low to make it viable to run or offer a transfer to another date.

      On the Day

      Getting started with Furniture Painting Workshop

      You will work with myself Michelle and Nicola of My Tatty Love. We are both professional furniture painters that have each been in the industry (yes there is an industry) for over 11 years. You will learn our perfected way of prep, painting and protecting and you will work with the top quality brands Fusion Mineral Pant and Cornish Mineral Paint and learn about the products.  All paint, primer and top coats are included in the price of your workshop.

      If you choose to use additional products such as Woodubend moulding, prima transfer, new handles/pulls or stencils these can be purchased on the day and I will happily show you how to apply to your piece.

      Refreshments are available throughout the day. We will break for lunch for 30 minutes, please bring a packed lunch. Microwave available.

      Participants will also be given a 10% discount on all products on the day.


      The studio is located at The Furniture Collective, Scarthingwell Courtyard, Scarthingwell Centre & Shops, Scarthingwell Lane, Towton, Tadcaster, LS24 9PF, there is free off parking.

      Booking T&C’s

      Booking is essential for this workshop payment is required in advance before attending.
      Price per person – £130. You can pay in full now via website or if you wish to pay a 20% deposit and the remainder on the day, please contact us to arrange this.
      Bookings cannot be refunded but can be exchanged to another date. Please let me know as soon as possible if you have a problem and I will do my best to transfer you to another date.

      Chic Little Haven reserves the right to re-schedule a workshop or transfer you to another date.


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          For more details on how we handle your data, please view our Privacy Policy